##Google Analz## ##Microsoft## ##Googel## Swanand: GoAutoDial V4, 33 steps, step-by-step points with explanations

Tuesday 3 October 2023

GoAutoDial V4, 33 steps, step-by-step points with explanations


Step 1: Disable Firewall and SELinux:


- To disable the firewall, run the following commands:


  systemctl disable firewalld

  systemctl stop firewalld


- SELinux is a security feature, but it's disabled in this setup. To disable SELinux, open the SELinux configuration file:


  vi /etc/selinux/config


  Change the line `SELINUX=enabled` to `SELINUX=disabled`.


Step 2: Update Hostname and /etc/hosts:


- Update the hostname with the FQDN:


  hostnamectl set-hostname your.server.example.com


- Edit the hosts file to map the server's IP address to the FQDN:


  vi /etc/hosts


  Add a line like this:


  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx your.server.example.com



Step 3: Change SSH Port:


- To change the SSH port, open the SSH configuration file:


  vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


  Find the line `#Port 22` and change it to your preferred port number, for example:


  Port 2222



Step 4: Update System:


- Update your system and install `wget`:


  yum install wget -y


- Add the GoAutoDial repository:


  cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

  wget http://downloads2.goautodial.org/centos/7/goautodial.repo


- Update the system:


  yum update -y


- Reboot the server:





Step 5: Install Dependencies:


- Install essential packages and development tools:


  yum install -y epel-release

  yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y



Step 6: Install Perl Scripts and Dependencies:


- Install Perl scripts and a missing dependency:


  wget https://rpm.mag-sol.com/Centos/7/x86_64/perl-Sys-RunAlone-0.12-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm

  rpm -i perl-Sys-RunAlone-0.12-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm



Step 7: Install Required Software:


- Install various software packages, including MariaDB, PHP, Asterisk, Kamailio, and more:


 yum install y MariaDB-server MariaDB-devel php70w-mysql php70w-mcrypt php70w-devel php70w-mbstring php70w-common php70w-xml php70w-pear php70w-cli php70w-imap php70w-fpm php70w-gd php70w>opcache php70w-pdo php70w-process php70w php70w-intl php70w-pear.noarch php70w-xmlrpc asterisk-mysql-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-perl-0.08-2.go.x86_64 asterisk-voicemail-plain->13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-devel-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-voicemail-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-alsa-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-sip->13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-dahdi-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-iax2-13.17.2-vici.el7.centos.x86_64 asterisk-mp3-13.17.2->vici.el7.centos.x86_64 kamailio-tls kamailio kamailio-mysql kamailio-ims kamailio-utils kamailio-websocket kamailio-json perl-Math-Round perl-File-Touch perl-Sys-RunAlone perl-Switch perl->Time-Local ngcp-rtpengine ngcp-rtpengine-kernel ngcp-rtpengine-dkms dkms dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-devel kernel-devel perl-DBD-mysql perl-Net-Telnet lame httpd mod_ssl screen crontabs mailx net->tools readline readline-devel ncurses ncurses-devel tk tk-devel htop perl-DBI perl-Digest-HMAC perl-YAML perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-Curses perl-DBD-Pg perl->Module-ScanDeps perl-Text-CSV perl-HTML-Template perl-IO-Compress perl-Text-Glob perl-Jcode perl-Test-Script perl-Archive-Tar perl-Test-Base perl-OLE-Storage_Lite perl-Archive-Zip perl-Net->Server perl-Convert-ASN1 perl perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-Data-Dumper perl-Error perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-Test-Tester perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-Spiffy perl-IO-Zlib perl->Module-Build perl-HTML-Parser perl-Net-SSLeay perl-Proc-ProcessTable perl-TermReadKey perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu perl-Digest-SHA perl-Tk perl-Net-SNMP perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-XML-Writer perl->Proc-PID-File perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 perl-libwww-perl perl-XML-Parser perl-File-Remove perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta perl-Set-Scalar perl-Probe-Perl perl-File-Which perl-Package-Constants perl-Module->Install perl-File-HomeDir perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel perl-Mail-Sendmail perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX perl-version perl-Crypt-DES perl-URI perl-Net-Daemon perl-IO-stringy perl-YAML-Tiny perl-HTML->Tagset perl-Socket6 perl-BSD-Resource perl-PlRPC perl-IPC-Run3 perl-Text-CSV_XS perl-Unicode-Map perl-Module-CoreList perl-Net-Telnet perl-PAR-Dist perl-Date-Manip perl-JSON perl-Proc-Daemon >perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel perl-rrdtool sox ntp iftop subversion glibc.i686 mod_fcgid



These steps cover the initial server setup and software installation. In the following steps, we'll configure specific settings and set up GoAutoDial with a FQDN.

Certainly, let's continue with the setup:


Step 8: Install CPAN and Perl Scripts:


- Install CPAN (Perl module manager):


  cpan -i CPAN



- Install Perl scripts and their dependencies:


cpan -i Tk String::CRC Tk::TableMatrix Net::Address::IP::Local Term::ReadLine::Gnu Spreadsheet::Read Net::Address::IPv4::Local RPM::Specfile Spreadsheet::XLSX Spreadsheet::ReadSXC  ```


Step 9: Enable and Start Services:


- Enable and start the required services:


  systemctl enable php-fpm

  systemctl enable httpd

  systemctl enable mariadb

  systemctl enable kamailio

  systemctl enable ngcp-rtpengine

  systemctl start mariadb



Step 10: Install GoAutoDial:


- Install GoAutoDial:


  yum -y install goautodial-ce

  cd /usr/src/goautodial




- Reboot the server. Some databases are created during the reboot:





Step 11: Confirm Databases Created:


- Access the MySQL  :

MariaDB [(none)]>show databases;

Should show 8 Databases
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Step 12: Update GoAutoDial Table in MySQL:


- Use the GoAutoDial database:


  use goautodial;



- Add some columns to tables:


  ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN manual_dial_min_digits INT DEFAULT '6';

  ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN enable_webrtc tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1';



Step 13: Update GoAutoDial with Git:


- Update GoAutoDial using Git:


cd /var/www/html
git stash
git pull

cd /var/www/html/goAPIv2
git stash
git pull



Step 14: Change File Ownership:


- Change the ownership of certain files:


  chown apache.apache -R /var/www/html



Step 15: Update Crontab:


- Edit the crontab:

  ``` (be sure to add --HTTPS to end of 4th line of recording scripts)

1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,43,46,49,52,55,58 * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_CRON_audio_2_compress.pl --MP3 --HTTPS



- Add `--HTTPS` to the end of the 4th line of recording scripts.


Step 16: Update IPs and FQDN:


- Edit Kamailio configuration:

vi /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg
Around line 136:
#!substdef "!MY_IP_ADDR!!g" (use your IP address)
#!substdef "!MY_DOMAIN!xxxxx.xxxxx.xxx!g" (use your FQDN)

/* add local domain aliases */



- Modify the IP address and FQDN to match your server.


- Edit RTPEngine configuration:


vi /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf
Around line 8:
a single interface:
interface = (use your IP address)



- Update the interface with your server's IP address.


Step 17: Update GoAutoDial Web Application:


- Edit the GoAutoDial web application settings:


GOautodial web application
vi /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php
Change IP address to your FQDN and then restart Kamailio and RTPEngine.



- Change the IP address to your FQDN.


Step 18: Change Kamailio Domain:


- Edit the SIP configuration file:


  vi /etc/asterisk/sip-goautodial.conf

;encryption=yes ;uncomment for TLS encryption
host=xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx ;change me to my FQDN



- Update the host parameter with your FQDN.


Step 19: Set Domain in HTTP.CONF:


- Edit the Apache HTTP server configuration:


  vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
uncomment Servername and change to your FQDN (xxxx.xxxx.xxx:80)



- Uncomment the ServerName line and set it to your FQDN.


Step 20: Update Default Time Zone:


- Edit the PHP configuration file:

  ```vi /etc/php.ini
date.timezone = Asia/kolkata (change to your timezone)


- Update the `date.timezone` setting with your timezone.


Step 21: Run Update IP Script:


- Run the IP update script:





- It should show the old IP as ``.


Step 22: Update Self-Signed SSL Cert


- Generate a new self-signed SSL certificate for your server.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key -out /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt


Step 23: Create a Link for Recordings:


- Create a symbolic link for recordings if needed.

If you have an issue with recordings a solution is to manually create an symbolic link in
the folder html named RECORDINGS poiting to the file where asterisk store the recordings
cd /var/www/html
ln -s /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ RECORDINGS
If you get NOT AUTHORIZED errors you must change the chmod of all the folders in the
path /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP3/.

Step 24: Reboot


- Reboot the server to ensure all changes are applied:





Step 25: Check Service Status:


- Check the status of important services:


  systemctl status ngcp-rtpengine

  systemctl status kamailio

  asterisk -vvvvvr



Step 26: Log In as Admin:


- Access the GoAutoDial admin interface using a web browser:





- Log in with the provided admin credentials.

USER: goadmin

PASSWORD: G0autodial2018


Step 27: Configure GoAutoDial:


- Update settings and configurations within the GoAutoDial admin interface, including the Base URL, Company Name, Timezone, and more.


Change Base URL to your FQDN
Change Company Name
Change Timezone


Change WebRTC Websocket to FQDN
Change WebRTC SIP Host/IP to FQDN
Change Kamailio Domain to FQDN


Advanced Settings:
Generate Conf Files: YES
Rebuild Conf Files: YES
Rebuild Music On Hold: YES
Alt Recording Server IP: FQDN
External Server IP: FQDN


Step 28: Test GoAutoDial:


- Create users, campaigns, and test the GoAutoDial functionality through the web interface.


By following these simplified and detailed steps, even someone with limited technical knowledge should be able to set up a GoAutoDial server with an FQDN.

Step 29: Create a New SIP Carrier:


- In the GoAutoDial admin interface, navigate to **SETTINGS > CARRIERS**.


- Create a new SIP carrier, ensuring that you use a 10-digit DIAL PREFIX.


Step 30: Configure Campaigns:


- In the GoAutoDial admin interface, navigate to **TELEPHONY > CAMPAIGNS**.


- Configure campaigns as needed, making sure to set the Dial Method to MANUAL, associate the newly created SIP carrier, and set the dialing to 24 hours if required.


Step 31: Reboot Again for Configuration Files:


- To make sure that the new configuration files are used, reboot the server once more:





Step 32: Create New Users:


- In the GoAutoDial admin interface, navigate to **TELEPHONY > USERS**.


- Create new admin users and delete any default users as needed.


Step 33: Test Your Fully Functional GoAutoDial:


- Using an incognito or private browsing window in your web browser, log in as one of the newly created agents and test the call functionality.


Congratulations! You should now have a fully functional GoAutoDial instance with an FQDN, and you've successfully configured it step by step. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please refer to the official GoAutoDial documentation or seek help from the GoAutoDial community forums.


FQDN stands for "Fully Qualified Domain Name." It is a complete domain name that specifies the exact location of a host within the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. An FQDN provides the absolute path to a specific resource on the internet.

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