##Google Analz## ##Microsoft## ##Googel## Swanand: Email Configuration in Vicidial

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Email Configuration in Vicidial

Configuration setup as followed

 1. Installed following perl Cpan modules

install LWP::UserAgent
install HTML::Entities
install HTML::Strip
install HTML::FormatText
install HTML::TreeBuilder
install Switch
install Time::Local
install MIME::Decoder
install Mail::POP3Client
install Mail::IMAPClient
install Mail::Message
install IO::Socket::SSL
install MIME::Base64

2. Enabled allow emails in System Settings
3. Enabled Modify Email Accounts option in Admin interface Options
4. Added Email group inside Inbound Menu
5. Added IMAP Email Account inside Admin->Email Accounts
6. Enabled Allow Emails in Campaign Settings
7. Added /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_inbound_email_parser.pl in cronttab -e
8. sendemail service working fine

After following these many steps i am unable to receive any emails.

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